• My Journey begins here: New phone in 2020! 

    Hi everybody. I am Ricky Springfield and I travel the world to play guitar and sing songs for whoever wants to listen to me.


    This is my new blog. Please follow this, if you want to learn more about my journey to become a famous musician. 


    Besides my guitar, my Donald Draper hat, my harmonica, and Cajon, my phone is my most important item, tool or what to call this modern technology.


    I have to book new places from my phone, use it as a GPS and also for updating my music and social media profiles, which is a must if you want to create a big audience nowadays. 


    Where to buy the best phone in 2020?

    It was so much easier back when everybody had a Nokia 3310, but the development of the mobile phone has happened faster than I could keep up with. 


    I have used my old Samsung Galaxy for four years now, and it had been one of my best friends on the road. I use it for all my chords and recordings, and with my app What’s App I could not keep track of all the people I meet around the world. 


    I hope I find a new phone soon, so I can keep track of all my stuff. My current phone is really getting slow due to many pictures and ages, so hopefully, I will soon get a new one so I can post some more exciting stuff here.

    Thanks for reading my first post and stay tuned for more.

    /Ricky out

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